Natural Hairs and Furs for fly tying at a great price from Fly Tyers Dungeon
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  Fly Tying Materials...
Natural Hair

FTD offer various natural hair from time to time at the best prices you'll find. Elk, Deer, Moose, Bear etc. Going out to find these natural hair is not a primary target but good quality comes our way and is offered to fly tyers at a great price. Our pieces are approx. (at least) 16 sq. inches in size and many times over. Not every piece is the same shape. Natural hair prices are becoming outrageous and FTD tries to keep the price as low as possible with quality hair. Other natural hair & fur will be available on occasion.
Check back if the hair you want is unavailable as we will get more in!
NOTE..if a drop down menu is associated with a product and it says ' Out of Stock' it means that particular color/size is out of stock and NOT all the colors/sizes.


Antelope Hair & Fur Grab Bag  
Black Bear    

Antelope...A very "Hollow" hair for spinning. Brown and white hair mix.
Price...$1.25 per piece

  Black Bear... Difficult to obtain and not available at times. Mostly black with some brown available. Black is what I usually have and send. Brown will be sent if black is out of stock.
Price...$1.25 per piece

Deer...These pieces are either Whitetail or Mule deer. If you wish one over the other please make a note when you place an order otherwise whatever is available is sent. Mainly Whitetail is available.
Price...$1.25 per piece

  Elk...These pieces are the popular Bull or blonde elk and elk hock (short dark fine hair for tails etc.). From time to time elk mane is in stock. Please call or email for availability if not listed.
Price...$1.25 per piece

Moose...Moose body and Moose Mane are offered when available. Moose body is usually 1 to 4 inches in length and black. Moose Mane is white and black mix and is 4" to 8" long.
Price...$1.25 per piece

  Hair & Fur Grab Bag...From time to time FTD will obtain many hair and fur pieces of which we put into our QUALITY Hair & Fur Grab Bags. 5 large pieces at a fraction of the price anywhere else. Hair and fur pieces comes from elk, deer, moose, big horn sheep, African deer, fox, badger, mink, bobcat, cougar, mink and many other animals.
Price...$2.95 per grab bag

Caribou...Caribou body hair, dense gray hair for spinning. About 1" plus in length.
Price...$1.00 per piece


Fly Tyers Dungeon - Unique Fly Tying Materials and Fly Fishing Products
Box 699 - Florence MT 59833