Fly Tyers Dungeon - Unique Fly Tying Materials - Home of UV-X Fly Tying Materials - Bringing the Future to the Present!

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Fly Tyers Dungeon (FTD)
Box 699
Florence MT 59833

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Closeouts & Discounts...

Our Fly Tying Closeouts & Discounts are listed below. These are normal size packs unless specified.

NOTE..if a drop down menu is associated with a product and it says ' Out of Stock' it means that particular color/size is out of stock and NOT necessarily all the colors/sizes.

C&W Dubbuing - Coarse Dubbing for types of flies Fly Tyers Dungeon C&W Dubbing...a coarser dubbing with both natural and synthetic fibers and a touch of sparkle. Nymph bodies, large dry flies, streamer bodies etc. Mottled colors for a more natural look. This is a test dubbing at a great price. 8 colors.
Test Price: $1.00 per full bag

8 Color Set...$7.50

H2O Flash Fly Tying Tinsel Fly Tyers Dungeon H2O Flash...I have been cleaning out FTD's Dungeon and have found some H2O Flash in Silver, Gold and Green that has been stored away and is a little stiffer than the standard H2O Flash. Full hanks as normal H2O Flash but at a great discount price.
Normal FTD Price: $1.55 per hank
Discount Price: $.75 per hank

Dubbing Grab Bag...5 different dubbings in 1/2 to 3/4 full bag. Nymph, dry fly, streamer etc. Not quite full size bags at a great price.
Price: $1.50 per 5

Realeyez...Closeout on Realeyez at a great price.
A more realistic eye with a mirage effect. Very nice looking and attractive fly tying eye. These are actually quite realistic fish eyes. Two sizes in two colors...8mm and 6mm in Red and Green
Normal Price...$1.20 per 20 eyes
Discount Price: $.60 per 20 eyes

6 of the many colors available
Simply Scud...FTD is closing out our Simply Scud Dubbing in the current dubbing form. Made especially for Scud and Sow Bugs in scud colors. Also ideal for Czech Nymphs. A coarser dubbing easily teases out for legs. Nice mix of various colors/textures.
Normal Price...$1.10 per full bag
Discount Price: $.55 per full bag

2 of the various colors available
Gator Tail Discounts....FTD has Gator Tails in stock and we are putting ALL tails on sale, limited to inventory on hand. These are 6" tails in various colors. Eel/Snake like chenille style tails that wiggle and jiggle in the water. Pike, Musky, Bass, Trout and saltwater species. ALSO 4" White Tails!!!
Normal price is: $3.50 per 5 tails

Discount Price: $1.75 per 5 6" Tails!
Discount Price: $1.25 per 5 4" White Tails!

More will be available this fall Material Grab Bags...Various assorted materials from the FTD product line in odd colors, discontinued colors/products, standard products etc and more! Over $10.00 of materials for only $3.00 per grab bag...take a chance. 
Price: $3.00 per Grab Bag

"Tweener Legs" In-Between Size Bug Legs Closeout.../span>These are an in-between size legs. In-between Mini and Baby Bug Legs. 20 colors to choose from. Over 300 7-8" strands of legs.
Price: $.75 per pack


Fly Tyers Dungeon - Unique Fly Tying Materials and Fly Fishing Products
Box 699 - Florence MT 59833 - 406-396-3949